Sunday, May 20, 2007


It was a fun day. I remember it fairly well. A heavy set man gave us guns and sent us into the bush where we were divided into two groups and seperated by a field of obsticles. A count down from three began followed by the instruction to "Go".

I remember the very first time I was shot. I was hunckered down against a white picket fence looking building when all of a sudden out of nowhere a mad man darted out infront of me. Several shots rang out as he blindly fired at me. I was hit three times at relativly close range *THWAP!* *THWAP!* *THWAP!* I didn't return fire because for that moment all I could clearly think about was how much I wasn't enjoying the feeling of evil death murder paintballs hitting me. It was painfull and I didn't like it.

After makeing the decision to contunue partisipating in this extream sport giving it a second chance I was shot in the neck. I definatly remember being shot in the neck.

I also remember takeing cover behind a downed airplane. Being shot at I remember the sound of paintballs hitting the metal hull of the aircraft. I was able to return fire from that position and lasted near to the end of that battle.

It was fun but the paintballs definatly hurt a lot more than invisible pretend bullets.