Thursday, May 05, 2005

You Should Write a Blog

Greetings everyone.
I am here today to talk to you about my brand new convertible, sorry, my mistake, my brand new Ontario Drivers Licence. Yes. I have an Ontario drivers licence now.

I was quietly minding my own business here at the computer today when Mr. Uncle Brian came down from the up-stars and violently threw two evelopes in my face. "You have mail" he screamed "It's about time it arrived!". I turned and looked only to see him stomp up the stairs in a wild rage. Now, in his absence I proceded to open the larger of the two face-scaring envelopes. My third attempt at breaking it's seal (with the aid of a trusty pair of 'Lamplough' black handled sissors (made in italy)) proved successful. It's contents reviled the much anticipated information from Sheridan that I had been waiting for. Deepy disapointed in the lack of a time table I moved on to the second envelope.
I opened it. Being an envelope of standard size and make I found the six inch blade of a near by letter opener to be sufficent. Inside, as you may have now guessed was my brand new Ontario drivers licence! My smile widened for it was all that I had imagined it to be: my lumber jack beard, holographic images, my new style signature, the official alphanumerics and of course the shine of it's durable plastic coating. This card being mine in all it's purpleness will now live out the remainder of it's life within the confinements of my wallet.

Now. For the many multitudes of you who don't know, what you have just read is a copy of a recent e-mail I sent to my parents and brothers. The response of my eldest brother (Mr. Krig) included these words: "You should write a blog, that was a great e-mail. :D" an invitation of sorts. So that my friends is the real reason as to why I am here. Welcome to my blog.

That is all.

ps. This message may or may not contain exaggeration or sarcasm.


Krig the Viking said...

Yes, that's a fine piece of literature, that. Do more.

Anonymous said...

Tee hee! I agree. (That rhymes, I realize, now.)
I like how you said your name says it all, etc.
I just simply like your blogspot!