After visiting the small pet store I took off toward my next destination of the day, Old Navy.
As it is always is in the city it was a stop and go process all the way, what with the flashing red hands, never ending gradual inclines and jaw jarring three inch high 90 degree angle curbs not to mention the occasional pedestrian. Its a wonder the old ancient frame on wheels has survived as long as it has. Anyway, upon arrival I left the finely stitched brown leather dule springed seat of my Uncle's peddle bike and entered the cool air-conditioned mall.
Not long after my eyes had adjusted to the dim indoor lighting I found myself browsing through the hippest new styles of the summer. Armed with no scence of fashion direction I found it to be rather confusing. Determined not to leave empty handed I decided to like the white light-blue pin-striped snap-up t-shirt with a coller that I kept walking past. It hung nicely on the hanger, good lines, light weight material, reasonably priced, it was hip enough for me. So using the gift card I got from my Aunt and Uncle on my 20th birthday I bought it. Unfortunately, size small was too small so I stood in line again, returned it and bought a size large. The large was of course too large. With no medium sizes in stock I cashed in on the money back guarantee and in a huff, peddled back to the living room television.
It was somewhat disappointing yes but as least I got some fresh air and exercise. . . right?
Wow.. what a let down for sure. That shirt kind of sounds like a shirt I saw in brandon not long ago.
Man! You didn't. . . Man! What is wrong wit you? You should have been like, well I'll get that "crAzy belt or that funky hip pair of shorts." Man, I need to go over there and make you do something cool.
I also hate clothes shopping. I always need to have someone else along to say stuff and have some idea of what is good and what isn't. Otherwise I end up buying crap that doesn't fit.
Oh my!! I had a good laugh at that one! Thanks for the post!
Good question, Kat.
I did in fact try the shirt on but I didn't want to say something like "then I tryed it on" because then I'd have to tell the rest of the story. The part about Old Navy not having change rooms. . .
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