Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Different Kind of Supper

It all started much like any other supper.
But little did I know that this supper was far from ordinary.
I was given no heads up, no warning at all. I trotted down the fluffy, freshly vacuumed stairs and right into it.
We've had supper on the deck before, I knew how it was. Or so I thought. It all happened so quickly and at first I didn't even realize it.

"It". (so embarrassing. . .)

No more than three or four steps onto the deck I noticed the bare soles of our companies feet. I thought nothing of it. I've seen bare feet before, no big deal right?


It wasn't untill I saw Mr. Uncle Brian himself slide his bare feet into a pair of fashionable flip flops that it hit me. . .
I was wearing socks to a sockless supper!
I could hardly beleve it.

Socks! To a sockless supper!
I should have known better.

Fortunatly for me the meal wasn't quite in full swing which give me enough time to quickly exit the scene undiscovered and remove each of my feet of its sock.
Now, this is a resonably 'good' ending, yes? I mean, my socked feet were never mentioned and perhaps never even noticed.

What if I, inadvertently, wore socks to all those other sockless suppers?


Krig the Viking said...

Man, you dodged a bullet there. That's a pretty big social faux pas to wears socks at a sockless supper. They probably would have stared at you and talked about it behind your back.

Anonymous said...

I've never had that happen to me, but it sounds preaty scary.

Anonymous said...

For someone who 'says' they don't like to have quite a way with words!!

You make wonderful word pictures!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with "anonymous"!