The sign read. . ."Past Room A117"
So I went in search for Room A117 and eventually. . . found it. Room A118. Thats where the transaction took place. I didn't enter the room for in the doorway sat a desk and behind the desk, a man. We exchange a few words, I showed my ID, a few more words then he says "just sign here" and points with his pen to a blank line.
I sign the line.
A quick look at the signature and he stands up and walks away. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and played it cool. I knew he'd be back. It was just a matter of time. Second after second passed by and sure enough he was back. Back with a big black bag. He set it on the desk between us, handed me some papers and the deal was done.
What was in this bag?
Carrying the weight of its contents I walked down to the end of the hallway. I took a left turn, through a door to my right and into a stairwell which led me upwards to yet another hallway. My hallway. Now it was safe, away from the watching eyes of others. I knelt down on the white tiled floor and unzipped the big black bag.
It was like opening one hundred Christmas presents all at once. From corner to corner, front to back it was jam-packed,loaded with all kinds of brand new art supplies.
Wow. I'm showing so much improvement already.
Haha... groovy troovy. I didn't know the bag was an actual zip zipper bag.. thats awesome.
You have such descriptive genius! That's my opinion.
Thank you.
Is Art School fun? Is it weird? Are there weird people there? I bet there's weird people there...
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