During the second walking portion of my journy home from school I found four pennies.
Need I say more?
. . ...
Okay. Here goes...
The bus driver man engages the braking system and the bus comes to a screeching hault. The blue indicator light shines into the corner of my eye and the compressed air is realeased from the automatic doors with a si-fi hiss that sounds cool every time.
As I left the bus stepping out onto the cement sidewalk a thousand girls shouted goodbye... to their frinds, who exited along side me.
As the bus roared off leaving nothing but silence behind the three girls and I soon came across and intersection. . . of seperation! Two girls walked straight ahead toward and beyond the little white man while the third girl and I waited for the red hand to our left to dissapear.
Like a starter gun at a track meet the red hand vanashed and we were off! She had a five stride head start and by time we crossed the paved road she was only four strides ahead. I was catching up. But at this rate it would take at least 10 more drive ways just to catch up to her and another million to reach a comfortable walking distance.
As a long time pedestrian I urge you to avoid this "pedestrian passing" situation at all costs as it is amoung the most aquard. If your walking speed is slightly faster than the person ahead of you then eventually your going to catch up to and pass them. This is of course impossible without first trailing them for about ten hundred years as you slowly inch closer to them and you know they can hear your foot steps.
On a [Ben] cram packed city centre sidewalk as in Toronto this is no problem but in my nic of the woods pedestrians are far and few between. Which means this sort of thing happens to me all to often.
Assuring myself that speed walking looks funny anyway I decided to slow down. Now, walking unnaturaly slow I soon realized how truely boring walking really is. So in an attempt to liven things up I dropped my head and watched my feet walk.
In doing so I found four Canadian pennes.
Benjamin W.Z! That is absolutely descriptively hilariously funny!
Thankyou for going to all the trouble of composing that one.
AHA.. Ben Cram.. thats hilarious.
Thank-you for your criticism.
Much appreciated.
Dude, your blogs are always awesome. I too have experienced this "pedestrian passing" problem while walking to work... fortunately I always have my dorky Co-op uniform on, so when I follow someone into the alley and they look back they see me and go "Oh, ok, he's just walking to work!"
That is one awsome blog. You should like wright a book.
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