A tutor.
Who needs a tutor? Tutors are for rich people, right?
Me? I'm not even sure how to spell tutor.
Get a tutor she suggests. Really.
So I got a tutor.
We have yet to meet each others aquantinsies-sis. I imagine his head/skull will be of an unusual size. Bulging with brains. You have to be smart to be a tutor. Teaching people how to do things they don't know how to do. I'm telling you, it takes brains.
It's more than likly that within a month my 'B's will be 'A's. My skills as an artist will have. . . um. . . increased. To a point of I don't know. Hey,
Check it Out:
I think this hole in my jeans is getting bigger.
That's hilarious! And what a fine picture! The hole is alright but I think I can almost see the bones in your foot!
Woah, woah, woah..... your getting a tutor? What? ....whatever... just a lil confused.. maybe i will read it again and try to see if u actually can see the bones in your foot.....
The upside-down roses are awesome. Nice work.
Did you just put your foot on the scanner? Now the scanner will be all smelly...
Also, awesome artwork. You haven't been out there that long, and your work has already improved, I can tell. It's great.
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