Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Beard on my Face

About some days ago I started growing a beard and it has gotten to the point where people have started making comments about it. To my face, out lound and in english.
It's as if people are just simply tired of making "I like your shirt" and "nice shoes" comments. They want something different to comment on. Something new, unpredictable and exciting. My beard gives them this oppurtunity.
Now as exciting as it is to get a comment about my face hair, the peoples lack of experience commenting on the topic really shows. And it's not their fault, there just arn't many people with hary faces out there.
For example: Maybe a casheir looks up and I'm standing there. She's caught off guard. In a panic she forgets where she is and what she's doing. . . "BEARD!" "BEARD!" "RED BEARD!".

Now maybe I've used the word "beard" too much in this entry.
And maybe the whole thing doesn't realy make sence.
But really, it doesn't matter.